Tuesday, March 25, 2008

SO excited

Ok, anyone who knows me knows about my previous clay addiction. I used to breathe, sleep, and probably eat polymer clay. I have been leary about doing anything with it with Ella around. I like to use powders and paints and other various messy mediums. It was just too much work to get it out and put it away even if she was sleeping. In the meantime I got to scrapbook some, but I always looked at my clay longingly. With money so tight, I have felt guilty about going to my retreat this year. I even thought about not going. Then I went to our guild meetings the last couple of weeks and I realized that I REALLY miss my clay. So I broke it out and started getting organized. I finally got to the point where I just whip out my toolbox and get to work. Then when I am done, I hide my work surface in the storage cabinet with the chemicals (has a lock). I have decided that because of the fumes I will bake in the laundry room or on the back porch. Anyways, retreat is this weekend and I just can't wait. I have stirred up the creative juices again. My one goal this year though is to come home with finished products and not just parts to things.

Just for fun here are some links to polymer artists:
Carol Blackburn
Donna Kato
Elise Winters
Kathleen Dustin

When I get back, maybe I can get some pics up of what I did. Of course, you have heard that before right?


Unknown said...

That's great hon! So glad you're getting to do something for yourself! Have a great time this weekend and put that creativity to work!

monica said...

Have fun at your retreat!!