Tuesday, March 25, 2008

SO excited

Ok, anyone who knows me knows about my previous clay addiction. I used to breathe, sleep, and probably eat polymer clay. I have been leary about doing anything with it with Ella around. I like to use powders and paints and other various messy mediums. It was just too much work to get it out and put it away even if she was sleeping. In the meantime I got to scrapbook some, but I always looked at my clay longingly. With money so tight, I have felt guilty about going to my retreat this year. I even thought about not going. Then I went to our guild meetings the last couple of weeks and I realized that I REALLY miss my clay. So I broke it out and started getting organized. I finally got to the point where I just whip out my toolbox and get to work. Then when I am done, I hide my work surface in the storage cabinet with the chemicals (has a lock). I have decided that because of the fumes I will bake in the laundry room or on the back porch. Anyways, retreat is this weekend and I just can't wait. I have stirred up the creative juices again. My one goal this year though is to come home with finished products and not just parts to things.

Just for fun here are some links to polymer artists:
Carol Blackburn
Donna Kato
Elise Winters
Kathleen Dustin

When I get back, maybe I can get some pics up of what I did. Of course, you have heard that before right?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ella found HER holiday

Ella loves Easter egg hunts! She got the concept SO fast. Dave and I were shocked. We practiced once at home because I really just wanted a bit of Easter there. Then we went to Dave's parents' house where the Easter Bunny hid 75 eggs! That is a lot of eggs. Fortunately Ella, Kate, and Allie were all very quick at finding them. Ella's cousins are so good and patient with her. They even gave her some of their eggs. Trust me though- she picked up a ton on her own.

I wish we had pics. Dave and I decided to video the festivities, but we should have grabbed the digital camera too because the camcorder was dead. Hopefully Dave's brother will get us some pics soon. Also no pretty Easter dress for Ella. Just no time. Maybe next year! I promise to catch up on some pictures when everything settles down.

Not much else new here. Just wanted to share how fun Ella found hunting for eggs.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

Ok being of Irish descent you would think I would celebrate this fun holiday more, but for some reason, I have never managed to really get my Irish on. Something always comes up. Even in college, I don't remember much green beer drinking going on. I have a chance to today but now I have been asked to dinner by my sister in law and that would be fun too. Plus I think I have what Ella had - (I washed my hands like twenty times a day but then Ella would be sleeping on me and I swear she purposefully turned her head around just to cough on me). Everyone at work is ditching early to go to the bar. What do I do? On one hand, I could really use some time out, but on the other, I should be with family. Decisions, decisions.

On being sick, I feel kind of bad for Dave. He really is such a great, patient man. When Ella started feeling better, Dave tried to say he was sick and I just shot him down and told him I didn't want to hear it. Basically I told him to suck it up. So Friday I started to feel icky and pretty much whined every night this weekend. Dave was so sweet about it. He got me things and said he hoped I would feel better soon. Not once did he mention the fact that I was totally unsympathetic when he felt sick. I love you, Dave! You put up with so much.

After spending a week with Ella when she is sick, I am reminded of how happy Ella truly is all the time. I missed her smile so much when she was ill, and this weekend it was so much fun having her back to her old self again. She was cute, giggly, and full of hugs.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. Dave's dad is still with us. I will probably email everyone any news.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Attempt #10

So I started a post a week or so ago and kept trying to finish it, but I just had to start over. I kept holding off because I wanted to post pics but our computer is being so cranky and slow.

Ella is being such a big girl lately. She is finally starting to repeat some words back to us, but we usually only get them out of her once. I think she is going to start spewing words one of these days and floor us all. We have been struggling with naps lately. She used to go down right after lunch without a fight and now we have to wait until she is just exhausted which doesn't usually happen til 3. I am always almost tempted to just go without but then she just gets irrational. I feel like we spend half the day just trying to get a nap. It is cute to listen to her when you try to lay her down and she isn't ready. She sings :). I think she is practicing for American Idol. She is a big fan of Chekeezie. Ella is also the sweetest girl. She is SO into hugging. Tonight we were saying goodbye to Dave's brother and his family. They have two girls who are so sweet and adore Ella. Well the little one got her hug,then another, and then her sister got one, then Aunt Grace, then Dave's mom, then Uncle John, then back to her cousins, etc. Everyone got 4 hugs except for the lil Kate who got at least 6. The amazing part was this was mostly all her own. A couple gentle nudges towards the right people at first but then it was just all Ella. That's how she is too. She just brings sunshine wherever she goes.

Our family has been going through a rough patch, and it is something I hesitated on posting about because I am not sure how to explain. Dave's father has a disease called Lewy Body Dementia. It is in the same family as Alzheimers, but it is also similar to Parkinson's, but it seems to be much more progressive than either. So although he has had symptoms for awhile now, the worst has definitely been the last year. He has really gone downhill since last summer when he lost the ability to swallow. He has been such a fighter, but it progressed very quickly. It is looking like he may finally end his battle with the disease soon. So please keep Dave's mom and his family in your thoughts over the next few weeks.