Monday, May 5, 2008

If I could freeze time....

We went to Cleveland this weekend for a long overdue visit. It was such a wonderful, fun weekend packed with music, laughter, and lots of love. We hadn't seen my sister and brother and their families since February. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming when we all go so long without seeing each other because you feel you have to pack everything in. This time was we were all relaxed and let ourselves just be. We got together to celebrate Jason's birthday (Apr 23), Parents anniversary (Apr 25), and Mother's day. There were a lot of presents going on and they were all very cool. I got some tunes, much needed car washes (very cool gift!), and some yummy smelling body butter. Seriously yummy. I can't wait to put it on! Oh and a few weeks ago, my mom got me some coconut holders. Figure that out on your own!

I am always curious about how Ella will respond when we go down there. Every time we go it has been a couple of months and she is doing new stuff and will have new experiences. This time though- wow. She was much more interested in playing with her cousin who is 3. I know they all try really hard to win her over, but I think she remembered everyone this time and had smiles for all. The magic moment came on Saturday night though. My whole family just loves music and most of us were blessed with some talent (yeah not me). Almost every time we get together, impromptu jam sessions happen. This time, my little girl got to finally see what our family is about. The music started, and I would have sworn something possessed Ella. She was so into the music. She was dancing like a mad woman. Every so often she would just look around and you could see the joy and love on her face. She laughed and danced so enthusiastically. There really are no words to describe. And her spirit was contagious and I think we all put more into it because of her. I know I got teary eyed a couple of times. I am really lucky to have such a special family.

I am trying really hard today to relive a little bit of that jam session. We are definitely back to the grind today and to start off my morning, I rear ended someone! *sigh* There was only a little mark on his bumper and he didnt seem concerned. I really don't think it was even from me, but I bumped him pretty good. I have to call the insurance company and mention it but I am sure it will be ok. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself. Well, the day can only get better from here.

Oh and Ella is moving up to the big girl room today. Toddler 2!! I just can't believe that my baby is growing up so fast. She really has lost all her baby look in her face.


monica said...

Do you realize this is the second time you've gotten in a car accident on my birthday? I remember you calling me at my parents' house (we'd already left CMU for summer) maybe when we were 20 and telling me it had happened that day! That's just bizarre!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet - I can just picture Ella dancing away. She'll have to teach Sarah some of her moves - she loves to groove too! :-)

HeathSaw said...

Wow that is bizarre. I didn't remember that it was on your birthday. That is when I totaled my dad's car going to work at Arby's. We were 19 I think. I am just going to stay home on your birthday from now on. Want to join me? We can have margaritas and chips and salsa all day.

monica said...

I have no idea why I remember that. My brain is filled with odd useless information ;) I'll for sure join you, but we'll need to add some guacamole. I can't get enough of that stuff!

Unknown said...

mmmm...guacamole and margaritas! When and where! I'll bring the chips and some salt-rimmed glasses!!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.