We don't know what happened or when exactly, but over the weekend Ella suddenly got terrified of the shower head. She remembers now too so she won't take a bath unless Mama gets in with her. Not very convenient or fun. She used to not care for baths but we had found how to show her they were fun. Now we are in worse shape because she screams and won't let go of me. The only thing I can remember is that Dave was cleaning the shower a day or so before and Ella was watching, but she had no reaction then. I do admit that from Ella's POV the shower head is kind of creepy. I am going to try showing her what the shower does since it is a hand held one. Wish us luck. I was just thinking around the holidays how lucky we were that Ella had no real fears or phobias. Jinxed myself maybe?
Maya used to be terrified of the vacuum. She's still leery of it but allows me to use it when she's in the room. Good luck!
Yeah Ella didn't like that one either. Same thing- still watches it now but lets me at least vacuum without holding her.
I guess it is common for them to develop sudden fears like this. FUN!
Oh...poor thing! We've used the shower head a few times to rinse them and Jacob sort of laughs but seems a little unsure. Jacob is having major stranger anxiety right now though and doesn't like to watch TV -especially the evening news when you get close ups of people - he'll run away and scream and lunge for us!
Thanks for the comment Heather! I can't believe how much Ella looks like you! She's such a cutie!
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